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Welcome to SpookyMC's rules page!
Click on the tabs above to see the different sections of the rules.

At SpookyMC, we strive to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all players.
To ensure fairness, respect, and a positive experience for everyone, we have established a set of rules that apply to all players on our server.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these rules to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience.

General Server Rules

The following rules apply to the whole server, regardless of gamemode.

Respect all players

Players should treat each other with respect and refrain from any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying.

No hacking or cheating

Players should not use any unauthorized mods, hacks, or exploits to gain an unfair advantage.

No offensive language or content

Players should avoid using offensive or inappropriate language, and any content that is discriminatory, explicit, or offensive.

No spamming or excessive caps

Players should not flood the chat with unnecessary messages or use excessive capital letters.

No advertising

Players should not promote external websites, servers, or services.

No impersonation

Players should not impersonate other players or server staff.

No unfair client modifications

Players should not use any client modifications that provide an unfair advantage or modify the gameplay.

Follow server staff instructions

Players should follow the instructions of server staff and refrain from disrespectful behavior towards them.


Failure to adhere to these rules may result in disciplinary action, which can include but is not limited to the following:

Warning: A verbal or written warning to remind players of the rules.

Temporary Mute: A temporary chat mute to discourage inappropriate behavior.

Temporary Ban: A temporary ban from the server for a specified period of time.

Permanent Ban: A permanent ban from the server, resulting in a permanent removal of access.

Skyblock Rules

The following rules apply to the Skyblock Gamemode.

No griefing other players' islands without consent from the island manager(s).

No stealing items or resources from other players' islands.

No building offensive or inappropriate structures on any island.

No exploiting glitches or bugs for personal gain.

No excessive spamming or advertising in chat.

No AFK (Away From Keyboard) farming or automation that bypasses gameplay mechanics.

No excessive lag machines or redstone contraptions that cause server performance issues.

No creating excessive mob farms that cause server lag.

No building offensive or inappropriate signs, pixel art, or structures in the public areas.

No scamming or deceiving other players in trades or transactions.

Respect the boundaries and rules set by the Skyblock gamemode or server administrators.

Follow any additional rules or guidelines specified by the server staff.


Failure to adhere to these rules may result in disciplinary action, which can include but is not limited to the following:

Warning: A verbal or written warning to remind players of the rules.

Temporary Mute: A temporary chat mute to discourage inappropriate behavior.

Temporary Ban: A temporary ban from the server for a specified period of time.

Permanent Ban: A permanent ban from the server, resulting in a permanent removal of access.

Bedwars Rules

The following rules apply to the Bedwars Gamemode.

No hacking, cheating, or using unauthorized mods or clients.

No teaming with players from other teams.

No cross-teaming or alliance with players from other teams.

No intentional spawn camping or continuously targeting specific players.

No exploiting glitches or bugs for personal gain.

No offensive or inappropriate language or behavior in chat or voice chat.

No spamming or excessive use of chat or voice chat.

No inappropriate or offensive usernames or skins.

No intentional delaying of the game (e.g., hiding, stalling, or refusing to engage in combat).

No intentional griefing or sabotaging of your own team.

Respect the decisions and instructions of staff and administrators.

Follow any additional rules or guidelines specified by the server staff.


Failure to adhere to these rules may result in disciplinary action, which can include but is not limited to the following:

Warning: A verbal or written warning to remind players of the rules.

Temporary Mute: A temporary chat mute to discourage inappropriate behavior.

Temporary Ban: A temporary ban from the server for a specified period of time.

Permanent Ban: A permanent ban from the server, resulting in a permanent removal of access.

Duels Rules

The following rules apply to the Duels Gamemode.

No hacking, cheating, or using unauthorized mods or clients.

No exploiting glitches or bugs for personal gain.

No disrespectful or toxic behavior towards other players.

No spamming or excessive use of chat.

No offensive or inappropriate language or behavior in chat or voice chat.

No targeting or harassing specific players.

No intentional delaying or stalling the duels.

No win-trading or intentionally losing to manipulate rankings.

No impersonating staff members or other players.

Respect the decisions and instructions of the server staff and administrators.

Follow any additional rules or guidelines specified by the server staff.


Failure to adhere to these rules may result in disciplinary action, which can include but is not limited to the following:

Warning: A verbal or written warning to remind players of the rules.

Temporary Mute: A temporary chat mute to discourage inappropriate behavior.

Temporary Ban: A temporary ban from the server for a specified period of time.

Permanent Ban: A permanent ban from the server, resulting in a permanent removal of access.